Why teenagers do they have acne?

Ah, those pesky pimples! They appear as early as nine years with the less fortunate at the time of puberty.

During this period, a gland in your brain, the pituitary gland increases the production of sex hormones. These little messengers carried by blood then travel throughout the body, especially near the hair follicles (where hairs are rooted). There hormones ordered the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum.

This oily substance is very useful for the skin. It prevents it from drying out and kills many bacteria. Pretty cool!

The problems start when sebum production increases. It will then accumulate. In addition, during puberty, the skin swells. Suddenly, the space between the pores of the skin decreases. It's like if you let go more cars in more narrow streets ... Hello congestion ... and buttons!

Two cases arise. If sebum manages to get out, it accumulates on the surface of the skin. Here he comes in contact with bacteria and other debris. It forms a crust and blackened ... A black dot appears! If the pores are too clogged, the sebum can not escape. It remains trapped under the skin. You then have a white dot.

Patience: hormones will probably one day subside. Your sebum production will stabilize and everything will be in order.

In the meantime, content yourself to limit the damage: eat less fat, not grinds your buttons (there are lots of bacteria on your fingers) and wash your face with a mild soap.