Acne Prevention

Measures to prevent further
Skin hygiene
  • Gently wash affected areas two times a day with a mild soap or cleanser and unscented. Wash too often or scrubbing too hard can irritate the skin and cause tiny breaks in which the bacteria are housed;
  • In some cases, the sun worsens acne. In addition, many products used to treat acne can make the skin more sensitive to sunburn. In this case, it should not be exposed to sunlight. If you do not have a choice, we must focus on a non-comedogenic sunscreen, that is to say, that does not contribute to the formation of blackheads;
  • Do not touch, scratch, pinch or puncture damage. These manipulations can lead to scarring or dark spots on the skin.

  • Shave only when necessary;
  • Test the straight razor and electric razor to check which irritates the skin less;
  • If a straight razor is used, often changing blades to avoid a dull blade irritate the skin;
  • Soften his beard with water and mild soap before applying shaving cream;
  • Do not use aftershave lotion containing alcohol.

  • Avoid heavy foundation funds and cosmetic products based on oil. Prefer non-comedogenic cosmetics and water-based;
  • Remove makeup before going to bed;
  • Discard containers of expired beauty products;
  • Clean brushes and cosmetic applicators regularly.

Body care
  • Take a shower after a big physical effort, because the mixture sweat, sebum can help trap bacteria in the pores of the skin;
  • When has oily hair, wash often;
  • Wear loose clothing to reduce sweating, which can irritate the skin.

  • Avoid tight fitting sports equipment, such as helmets and backpacks, which can irritate the skin;
  • Pay attention to what is in prolonged contact with the skin of the face Contact: avoid long press her face on her hands. Also avoid cuts that make the hair on the face down;
  • If you tend to have acne, avoid workplaces that expose the skin to pollutants or industrial oils.