Prevent and Treat Acne With Natural Remedies

Face, neck, back and / or shoulders are specific buttons for acne. Expressing especially during adolescence, when the appearance is most important, can be very annoying, even if it involves risk. Acne is more common in boys than in girls.

The cause of acne is a hypersensitivity to normal levels of the hormone testosterone. This hypersensitivity causes abnormally high sebum production, oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands, which protects the skin. At the same time, an abnormal reaction of the channels within the sebaceous glands causes cells lining becomes too sticky. Instead of being removed after death, these cells together and jam seborrhea channel. Accumulated sebum hardens, forming a white or black dot, and bacteria on the surface of the skin can grow easily, producing acne pustule typical red and swollen.

In severe cases, these bulbs can become blackheads or cysts filled with fluid. Certain medications - Some birth control pills, steroids and drugs against epilepsy - can aggravate acne. In some women, acne is a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition that can cause hormonal and menstrual irregularities, infertility, excessive hair growth and weight gain.

How to Prevent Acne

The following recommendation is useful for those who tend to suffer from acne and may be the best way to control mild acne.

Wash your face with a soap that does not contain oil, but does not dry the skin;
If you need an emollient, use one that is not greasy;
Ultraviolet rays are effective against acne, so you need to expose your skin to the sun for at least half an hour per day, but not when the sun is at its maximum intensity (during the summer-15 10:00 hours);
Choose with sunscreen. Buy products PABA (para-aminobenzoic) without cosmetic ingredients that can clog pores;
Avoid sweating hard and spend a lot of time in wet, skin problems may be aggravated;
How to Treat Acne


Some essential oils - like oil of juniper berries (avoid during pregnancy) and cedar oil (avoid during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy) - help normalize sebum. Oils of lavender and geranium has antiseptic and healing properties. Chamomile and petit grain reduce inflammation.

Add 2 drops of juniper berries and cedar wood oil with half a cup of water. With a cotton ball, apply the solution on the skin every two hours.;
Add 2 drops of oil of juniper berries 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil or sweet almond soup. Mix and apply on the affected same as above areas.
Add 2 drops petit grain and oil of cedar with 5 tablespoons of jojoba oil. Also, add the same essential to 5 teaspoons of lotion fragrance oils. Use the lotion in the morning and night oil.