Best Foods To Eat To Resuce ACNE

You live to eat, you eat to live. But a healthy diet for the skin to reduce acne? Indeed. This is not quite the adage "you are what you eat", but it is true that what you eat affects how you look - and feel.

Prevent acne by adopting this diet healthy skin - see.

If you eat too much of anything, chances are high it will show - literally - in your skin. According to dermatologist Elliott Weiss, MD, Center for Laser & Skin Surgery in New York, new research suggests that diet may play a role in the exacerbation of acne. "An interesting observation is that acne is mainly a problem in following a Western diet (high refined sugar, refined grain products high) companies, while following a standard hunter-gatherer societies and the food (meat, vegetables, whole grains, not refined or packaged food) do not have a problem with the buttons. "This is logical, given that a major contributor to acne is a follicular hyperkeratosis (proliferation) , which leads to clogged follicles and inflammation, nutrition, in fact, may contribute to these processes.

So what's a girl prone to acne? First, says Dr. Weiss: Avoid full of delicious, sugary foods, excessive amounts of dairy products and processed cereals. This will help your skin - and your waistline, to boot. And second, eat balanced, healthy for your skin diet rich in vitamins and minerals that work to keep you strong, healthy and beautiful from the inside.

But remember, changing your diet healthy skin alone will not cure your acne or keep you completely flawless, but it is a great place to start on your way to a flawless complexion. Here, with the help of nutritionist Lara Field, MS, RD, SPC, LSN, we share the seven rules that you must live by - now - to help keep acne at bay problems.